Point Lookout Lighthouse Preservation Society

  Point Lookout Lighthouse Preservation Society (PLLPS), Inc.

The lighthouse will continue to be closed to the public until further notice due to the Covid 19 pandemic.

We have been waiting for many years and we are pleased to announce that the lighthouse should be completed in 2021! Unfortunately, we will not be able to hold our regular events (including paranormal events), but we will be posting updates to our website and social media (FaceBook and Twitter) with pictures that will chronicle the restoration. Exterior renovations to the lighthouse, coal and buoy sheds are largely complete.

Additional delays are expected due to the Corona Pandemic. Last updated 07/20/2021

Please note that we are unable to mail the National Lighthouse Association;s Passport stamps. Thank you for your understanding and we hope to see you when we reopen to the public. Stamps may be available in person only at the park store during the season

The Point Lookout Lighthouse Preservation Society (PLLPS), Inc. was formed to restore the Point Lookout Lighthouse Buildings to the 1927 time period and to educate the public on the rich history of the lighthouse. The PLLPS will provide volunteers for events that allow the public to access the lighthouse buildings and will collect donations from visitors. (Public access to the lighthouse complex is restricted by a locked fence, except during specific dates.) PLLPS is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, and donations are tax deductible as permitted by law.

The October Spirits of Point Lookout aka Ghost Walk events are no longer being held.

We love having visitors- during our regularly scheduled events that is! Details at:

Geocache Comes to Point Lookout Lighthouse Complex

PLLPS has joined Geocache world. Check out the link below for a clue. Unfortunately, the cache is only accessible during times that the lighthouse is open, so please check out the Upcoming Events link (on the left, maroon navigation bar) to find out when we are open for our next public event.


Please note that the Point Lookout State Park also maintains its own Geocache, which is available when the park is open. Please see their link at:



Amazon Smile Program - Help PLLPS just by shopping at Amazon!

If you use Amazon.com, please consider selecting us as the charity for their "Smile" program; instead of going to Amazon.com, you visit smile.amazon.com, and a donation is made to PLLPS for every purchase you make. On your first visit to smile.amazon.com, you will be asked to select a charity, which can be found using the keywords "Point Lookout Lighthouse". Please contact us if you have any questions about the Smile program. Thank you in advance for your support.




And now for something completely different, a aerial view of the Point Lookout State Park! Volunteer Kim Hammond found this video on YouTube:





What life was like in 1927?

Check out our new section about what life was like in 1927, which is our target period for the restoration of the lighthouse. More examples of life in 1927 coming soon. We would like to thank our volunteer Hillary Murdoch for using her artistic and technical talents to create this Flash presentation.

Music Popular in 1927



If you would like to learn more about volunteering, please email: volunteer@pllps.org



If you would like to investigate the lighthouse at night, please click on the Nighttime Investigations link to the left for information and to make your reservation for the 2012 season. Please be aware that the Point Lookout State Park is closed at night, except for active night fishing; Natural Resources Police will ticket trespassers who are not actively fishing.

Please note that the lighthouse is only open to the public during our scheduled events. Please click on the Upcoming events link on the left for information and schedule.



Help us by donating a portion of your Ebay sales through the eBay Giving Works Program. For details, see the PLLPS page at:




Point Lookout Lighthouse is on Flickr, Twitter and FaceBook! Be sure to check out the sites by clicking the links below. Special thanks to Kim Hammond and Sandra Sableski for creating and maintaining these wonderful sources of information about the lighthouse and our events.



Visit the PLLPS Flickr Photostream

Twittter account: PtLookoutLH

Point Lookout Facebook



For general inquiries, please email us at: info@PLLPS.org